Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Out Of The Ashes

The little Mustang mare I rescued from the Bastrop Kill Pen on September 14, 2016 has come a long way on her road to recovery. She has gained 140 pounds, her numerous wounds are healing nicely and there is a shine to her coat.

As you can see in the photograph someone placed a halter on her and left it on so long it rubbed the hair on her face white. They tied her front legs so severely she now carries deep scars as a reminder of the abuse. You can't tell in the photograph but she is blind in her right eye, it's a recent occurrence because she is still trying to manage her limitation.

After some preliminary investigation, there is a very good chance she was used in a Mexican rodeo. Only 15 years old, abused, neglected and sent to who knows how many auctions before landing in one of the most horrific kill pens in the United States...but fate intervened and I saw her video and knew she would come here to live the rest of her life in the fashion she should have always been accustomed. So the little Mustang mare, tag number #804 has come out of the ashes and is now called Cinder.

(c)2016 Linda Sullivan-Simpson
Grey Oaks Equine Sanctuary
All Rights Reserved

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